Apache Beam -> BigQuery: Storage Write API doesn’t respect Primary Key
Image by Onfroi - hkhazo.biz.id

Apache Beam -> BigQuery: Storage Write API doesn’t respect Primary Key

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Are you tired of dealing with inconsistent data in your BigQuery tables? Do you find yourself constantly fighting with the Apache Beam storage write API to respect primary keys? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Apache Beam and BigQuery, and explore the reasons behind this pesky issue. More importantly, we’ll provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome this obstacle and ensure data consistency in your BigQuery tables.

Understanding the Problem

The Apache Beam storage write API is a powerful tool for ingesting data into BigQuery. However, it has one major flaw: it doesn’t respect primary keys. What does this mean? Simply put, when you write data to BigQuery using the storage write API, it ignores any primary key constraints defined in your table schema. This can lead to duplicate records, data inconsistencies, and a whole lot of headaches.

But why does this happen? The reason lies in the way Apache Beam processes data. When you write data to BigQuery using the storage write API, Apache Beam batches the data into rows and sends them to BigQuery in chunks. During this process, it doesn’t care about primary key constraints; it simply appends new data to the table. This behavior is useful for high-throughput data ingestion, but it comes at the cost of data consistency.

Symptoms of the Problem

So, how do you know if you’re affected by this issue? Look out for the following symptoms:

  • Duplicate records in your BigQuery table
  • Inconsistent data in your BigQuery table
  • Frequent data reloads or re-processing
  • Data quality issues

Solving the Problem

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s move on to the solution. To ensure data consistency in your BigQuery tables, you need to implement a primary key enforcement mechanism. There are two approaches to achieve this:

Approach 1: Using Apache Beam’s `CombineGlobally` Function

The first approach involves using Apache Beam’s `CombineGlobally` function to deduplicate data before writing it to BigQuery. Here’s an example:

import apache_beam as beam

# Define your pipeline
pipeline = beam.Pipeline()

# Create a PCollection from your data source
pcollection = pipeline | beam.ReadFromText('gs://your-bucket/your-data.csv')

# Combine globally to deduplicate data
deduplicated_pcollection = pcollection | beam.CombineGlobally(
    lambda x: dict(list(x.items())[0:1])
).with_output_types(Tuple[str, str])

# Write to BigQuery
deduplicated_pcollection | beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(

In this example, we use the `CombineGlobally` function to group the data by primary key and select the latest version of each record. This ensures that only unique records are written to BigQuery.

Approach 2: Using BigQuery’s `INSERT INTO` Statement with UPSERT

The second approach involves using BigQuery’s `INSERT INTO` statement with UPSERT. This method is more straightforward and doesn’t require any additional processing steps. Here’s an example:

import apache_beam as beam

# Define your pipeline
pipeline = beam.Pipeline()

# Create a PCollection from your data source
pcollection = pipeline | beam.ReadFromText('gs://your-bucket/your-data.csv')

# Write to BigQuery with UPSERT
pcollection | beam.io.gcp.bigquery.WriteToBigQuery(

In this example, we use BigQuery’s `INSERT INTO` statement with UPSERT to insert new records and update existing ones. This ensures that primary key constraints are respected, and duplicate records are avoided.

Best Practices for Primary Key Enforcement

Now that we’ve explored the solutions, let’s discuss some best practices for primary key enforcement:

  1. Define a unique primary key: Ensure that your primary key is unique and consistent across all data sources.
  2. Use data validation: Validate your data before writing it to BigQuery to prevent invalid or duplicate records.
  3. Implement data quality checks: Regularly check your data for inconsistencies and errors to ensure data quality.
  4. Use data transformation: Apply data transformation techniques to normalize and standardize your data before writing it to BigQuery.
  5. Monitor data ingestion: Monitor your data ingestion pipeline to detect and respond to any data quality issues.


In conclusion, the Apache Beam storage write API’s lack of primary key respect is a common issue that can lead to data inconsistencies and quality issues. However, by using Apache Beam’s `CombineGlobally` function or BigQuery’s `INSERT INTO` statement with UPSERT, you can ensure data consistency and respect primary key constraints. Remember to follow best practices for primary key enforcement, such as data validation, data quality checks, and data transformation, to ensure high-quality data in your BigQuery tables.

Approach Description Advantages Disadvantages
CombineGlobally Deduplicate data using Apache Beam’s CombineGlobally function Faster data processing, reduced data redundancy Requires additional processing steps, may increase pipeline complexity
BigQuery UPSERT Use BigQuery’s INSERT INTO statement with UPSERT Simpler implementation, no additional processing required May incur additional costs, slower data processing

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to overcome the limitations of the Apache Beam storage write API and ensure data consistency in your BigQuery tables. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing questions about Apache Beam and BigQuery Storage Write API.

Why does the BigQuery Storage Write API ignore the primary key I set in Apache Beam?

When using Apache Beam to write data to BigQuery, the primary key is not automatically respected by the BigQuery Storage Write API. This is because the API is designed to handle large volumes of data and doesn’t support primary key enforcement out of the box. You’ll need to implement additional logic to enforce primary key uniqueness, such as using a staging table and then running a MERGE statement to deduplicate data.

Can I use Apache Beam’s built-in support for BigQuery to enforce primary key uniqueness?

No, Apache Beam’s built-in support for BigQuery doesn’t provide a way to enforce primary key uniqueness when using the Storage Write API. You’ll need to write custom code to handle this requirement. However, if you’re using the BigQuery IO connector, you can set the `ignoreUnknownValues` property to `false` to raise an error when inserting duplicate data, but this won’t automatically deduplicate data.

How can I optimize my Apache Beam pipeline to handle large volumes of data when enforcing primary key uniqueness?

To optimize your Apache Beam pipeline, consider using a combination of techniques such as data partitioning, parallel processing, and using BigQuery’s built-in support for MERGE statements. You can also useBeam’s built-in support for caching and deduplication to reduce the amount of data being processed. Additionally, consider using BigQuery’s Data Validation API to validate your data before writing it to the target table.

What are the performance implications of enforcing primary key uniqueness in Apache Beam?

Enforcing primary key uniqueness in Apache Beam can have significant performance implications, especially when dealing with large volumes of data. The additional processing required to deduplicate data can slow down your pipeline and increase costs. To mitigate this, consider using optimized data processing techniques, such as data partitioning and parallel processing, and use BigQuery’s built-in support for MERGE statements to reduce the number of writes.

Are there any alternative data processing frameworks that can help me enforce primary key uniqueness when writing to BigQuery?

Yes, alternative data processing frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or Google Cloud Dataflow can be used to enforce primary key uniqueness when writing to BigQuery. These frameworks provide more extensive support for data processing and can be more efficient than Apache Beam for certain use cases. However, each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to evaluate them based on your specific requirements.

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