Conquering the Beast: Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded with Anime.js
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Conquering the Beast: Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded with Anime.js

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error while trying to create mesmerizing animations with Anime.js? Worry no more, dear developer! This comprehensive guide is here to help you master the art of tackling this pesky issue and unlock the full potential of Anime.js.

Table of Contents

What is Anime.js?

Anime.js is a lightweight, powerful JavaScript animation library that allows you to create stunning animations with ease. With its concise API and flexible features, Anime.js has become a popular choice among developers seeking to add animations to their web applications.

The Error: Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded

But, what happens when Anime.js suddenly decides to throw the infamous “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error? Panic sets in, and you’re left wondering what went wrong. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

The “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error occurs when Anime.js’s recursive function calls exceed the maximum allowed call stack size. This typically happens when you’re trying to animate an excessively large number of elements or when your animation loop is too complex.

Causes of the Error

  • Excessive Element Count: Animating an enormous number of elements can lead to the error. This is especially true when you’re trying to animate individual elements within a large dataset.
  • Complex Animation Loops: Overly complex animation loops or recursive function calls can cause the call stack to overflow, resulting in the error.
  • Poor Performance Optimization: Failure to optimize performance-critical code can lead to the error.
  • Inadequate Browser Resources: Insufficient browser resources or outdated browser versions can also contribute to the error.

Solutions to the Error

Fear not, dear developer! We’ve got a treasure trove of solutions to help you overcome the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error.

Solution 1: Optimize Performance

Optimizing performance is crucial when working with large datasets or complex animations. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Use requestAnimationFrame(): Instead of using setInterval() or setTimeout(), use requestAnimationFrame() to ensure your animation is synchronized with the browser’s repaint cycle.
  • Leverage Anime.js’s built-in optimizations: Anime.js provides various optimization options, such as autoplay, delay, and easing, to help reduce the performance overhead.
  • Minimize DOM Manipulation: Reduce DOM manipulation to a minimum by batching updates and using efficient DOM manipulation techniques.

// Example: Optimizing performance with requestAnimationFrame()
  targets: 'div',
  translateX: 250,
  duration: 1000,
  easing: 'easeInOut',
  autoplay: true,
  update: () => {
    // Update your animation logic here

Solution 2: Chunk Your Data

When dealing with large datasets, it’s essential to chunk your data into manageable pieces. This approach helps reduce the call stack size and prevents the error.

Here’s an example of how you can chunk your data:

const dataset = [...]; // Large dataset
const chunkSize = 100;
let chunkIndex = 0;

function animateChunk() {
  const chunk = dataset.slice(chunkIndex, chunkIndex + chunkSize);
    targets: chunk,
    // Animation properties here
  chunkIndex += chunkSize;
  if (chunkIndex < dataset.length) {


Solution 3: Use Anime.js Utility Functions

Anime.js provides a set of utility functions to help you manage animations efficiently. Leverage these functions to simplify your animation logic and reduce the call stack size.

For example, you can use anime.stagger() to stagger animations across elements, reducing the performance overhead:

anime.stagger('div', {
  translateX: 250,
  duration: 1000,
  easing: 'easeInOut',
  delay: anime.stagger(100) // Stagger animations by 100ms

Solution 4: Browser-Specific Workarounds

In some cases, the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error might be browser-specific. Here are some browser-specific workarounds:

Browser Solution
Google Chrome Enable the “Experimental Web Platform features” flag in chrome://flags/
Mozilla Firefox Increase the “dom.max_script_run_time” preference in about:config
Safari Enable the “Allow Multiple Animations” preference in Safari’s Develop menu

Best Practices

To avoid encountering the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Test and Optimize: Thoroughly test your animations and optimize performance-critical code.
  2. Keep it Simple: Avoid overly complex animation loops and recursive function calls.
  3. Monitor Browser Resources: Keep an eye on browser resources and adjust your animation accordingly.
  4. Use Anime.js Wisely: Leverage Anime.js’s built-in features and utility functions to simplify your animation logic.


Conquering the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error with Anime.js requires a combination of performance optimization, data chunking, utility function usage, and browser-specific workarounds. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex animation projects.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Master Anime.js, and you’ll unlock the secrets to creating mesmerizing animations that will leave your users in awe.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error while using Anime.js? Fear not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

What causes the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error in Anime.js?

This error occurs when Anime.js’s recursive functions exceed the maximum call stack size, usually due to an infinite loop or a deeply nested animation. It can also happen when you’re using Anime.js with other libraries that manipulate the DOM, causing an infinite recursion.

How can I prevent the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error in Anime.js?

To prevent this error, make sure to use Anime.js’s built-in features, such as the `pause` and `restart` methods, to control your animations. Also, avoid using Anime.js with other libraries that manipulate the DOM, and refactor your code to reduce recursion and nested function calls.

What are some common scenarios that lead to the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error in Anime.js?

Common scenarios that lead to this error include using Anime.js with jQuery’s `.animate()` method, nested `anime()` function calls, and excessive use of the ` targets` option. Additionally, using Anime.js with other libraries that manipulate the DOM, such as React or Angular, can also cause this error.

Can I increase the maximum call stack size to fix the error?

While it’s technically possible to increase the maximum call stack size, it’s not recommended as it can lead to performance issues and crashes. Instead, focus on optimizing your code and reducing recursion to prevent the error from occurring in the first place.

What are some alternative animation libraries that don’t have this issue?

If you’re experiencing frequent issues with Anime.js, you may want to consider alternative libraries like GSAP, Velocity.js, or Mo.js. These libraries have different architectures and may be less prone to the “Maximum call stack size exceeded” error.