Solving the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” Error in ElasticSearch with TypeScript
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Solving the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” Error in ElasticSearch with TypeScript

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” error while working with ElasticSearch and TypeScript? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the root cause of this error and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to resolve it once and for all.

What is AggregationsAggregate and why does it matter?

In ElasticSearch, an aggregation is a way to group and process data in a single request. AggregationsAggregate is an interface in the ElasticSearch TypeScript client that represents the result of an aggregation query. It’s essential for working with aggregations in your TypeScript application.

The AggregationsAggregate interface provides a way to access the buckets, which are the grouped data returned by the aggregation query. However, when you encounter the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” error, it means that the TypeScript compiler is unable to find the buckets property on the AggregationsAggregate type.

Understanding the error: What’s going on behind the scenes?

The error occurs due to a discrepancy between the ElasticSearch client library and the TypeScript type definitions. The ElasticSearch client library returns an object with a buckets property, but the TypeScript type definitions don’t reflect this. As a result, the TypeScript compiler throws an error, stating that the buckets property doesn’t exist on the AggregationsAggregate type.

This issue is often encountered when working with newer versions of the ElasticSearch client library and older versions of the TypeScript type definitions. The good news is that there are a few ways to resolve this error, and we’ll explore them in the sections below.

Solution 1: Update your ElasticSearch client library and type definitions

The simplest solution is to ensure that you’re using the latest versions of the ElasticSearch client library and TypeScript type definitions. You can update them by running the following commands in your terminal:

npm install @elastic/elasticsearch @types/elasticsearch

Once you’ve updated the packages, try recompiling your TypeScript code. If you’re still encountering the error, move on to the next solution.

Solution 2: Use the @elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7 package

If updating the packages doesn’t resolve the issue, you can try using the @elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7 package. This package provides a compatibility layer for applications migrating from ElasticSearch 6.x to 7.x. To install it, run the following command:

npm install @elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7

Then, import the package in your TypeScript file:

import { Client } from '@elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7';

This package includes updated type definitions that should resolve the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” error.

Solution 3: Use the any type to bypass the error

If the above solutions don’t work, you can use the any type to bypass the error. This approach is not recommended, as it undermines the type safety provided by TypeScript, but it can be a temporary solution until you find a more elegant fix.

const aggregationResult: any ={
  index: 'myindex',
  body: {
    aggs: {
      myAgg: {
        terms: {
          field: 'myField'

const buckets = aggregationResult.aggregations.myAgg.buckets;

By using the any type, you’re telling TypeScript to ignore the type checking for the aggregationResult variable. This allows you to access the buckets property, but it’s essential to note that this approach can lead to runtime errors if the property doesn’t exist.

Solution 4: Create a custom type definition for AggregationsAggregate

If you’re working on a large project and can’t update the ElasticSearch client library or type definitions, you can create a custom type definition for AggregationsAggregate. This approach requires you to define the type manually, which can be time-consuming, but it provides an elegant solution to the problem.

Create a new file, e.g., custom-types.ts, and add the following code:

interface AggregationsAggregate {
  [key: string]: {
    buckets: {
      [key: string]: {
        doc_count: number;
        key: string;

Then, import the custom type definition in your TypeScript file:

import { Client } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';
import { AggregationsAggregate } from './custom-types';

const client = new Client({ node: '' });

const aggregationResult: { aggregations: AggregationsAggregate } ={
  index: 'myindex',
  body: {
    aggs: {
      myAgg: {
        terms: {
          field: 'myField'

const buckets = aggregationResult.aggregations.myAgg.buckets;

This custom type definition provides a more robust solution, as it allows you to maintain type safety while working with the AggregationsAggregate interface.


In this article, we’ve explored the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” error in ElasticSearch with TypeScript. We’ve examined the root cause of the error and provided four solutions to resolve it: updating the ElasticSearch client library and type definitions, using the @elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7 package, using the any type to bypass the error, and creating a custom type definition for AggregationsAggregate.

By following these solutions, you should be able to overcome the error and continue working with ElasticSearch and TypeScript. Remember to always prioritize type safety and elegance in your code, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you encounter any further issues.

Solution Description
Update ElasticSearch client library and type definitions Update to the latest versions of the ElasticSearch client library and TypeScript type definitions.
Use the @elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7 package Use the @elastic/elasticsearch@migrating-to-7 package, which includes updated type definitions for migrating from ElasticSearch 6.x to 7.x.
Use the any type to bypass the error Use the any type to bypass the error, but be aware that this approach undermines type safety.
Create a custom type definition for AggregationsAggregate Create a custom type definition for AggregationsAggregate, providing a more elegant and type-safe solution.

If you’re still encountering issues, feel free to ask for help in the comments below. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ahead of the curve with answers to commonly asked questions about “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate for ElasticSearch and typescript”!

What is the error “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate”?

This error occurs when the ElasticSearch typescript definition is not correctly configured, leading to a mismatch between the expected and actual return types of the aggregations query. It’s like trying to put a square peg into a round hole – it just won’t fit!

Why does this error occur in ElasticSearch and typescript?

This error can occur due to changes in the ElasticSearch API or updates to the typescript definitions, causing the `AggregationsAggregate` type to not include the `buckets` property. It’s like a game of catch-up – you need to ensure your ElasticSearch and typescript versions are in sync!

How can I resolve the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” error?

To resolve this error, you can update your ElasticSearch typescript definitions to match the latest API changes or downgrade to a compatible version. You can also try casting the aggregations result to the correct type or using the `any` type as a temporary workaround. Think of it as a puzzle – you just need to find the right piece to fix the error!

Can I use the `any` type to bypass the “Property buckets does not exist on type AggregationsAggregate” error?

Yes, you can use the `any` type to bypass this error, but keep in mind that it’s a temporary solution and may lead to other errors or type issues down the line. It’s like using a Band-Aid to cover up the problem – it might work for now, but it’s not a long-term fix!

What is the best way to handle aggregations in ElasticSearch with typescript?

The best way to handle aggregations in ElasticSearch with typescript is to ensure you’re using the latest typescript definitions and ElasticSearch API versions. You should also consider using a typescript-friendly library or wrapper to simplify your aggregations queries. Think of it as having a personal assistant – it makes your life easier and helps you get the job done!

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