Error Compiling Rust Library with OpenSSL Dependency for Android (x86_64-linux-android target)
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Error Compiling Rust Library with OpenSSL Dependency for Android (x86_64-linux-android target)

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to compile a Rust library with OpenSSL dependency for Android? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, and I’m here to guide you through the solution. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the problem, explore the reasons behind it, and provide a step-by-step guide to get you up and running.

The Problem

When you try to compile a Rust library with OpenSSL dependency targeting Android (x86_64-linux-android), you might encounter an error message similar to this:

error: failed to run `rustc` (exit status: 1)
  = note: "x86_64-linux-android-gcc" "- Wheels are not yet implemented for android (x86_64-linux-android) on this platform. Try to run `pip wheel --platform=x86_64-linux-android --prefer-binary :all: .

This error message can be confusing, especially if you’re new to Rust or Android development. But don’t worry, we’ll break down the issue and provide a clear solution.

Understanding the Problem

To compile a Rust library with OpenSSL dependency for Android, we need to use the `x86_64-linux-android` target. However, the error message indicates that the `rustc` compiler is unable to find the necessary dependencies for this target.

The main reason behind this issue is that the `openssl` crate is not fully compatible with the `x86_64-linux-android` target. Specifically, the `openssl` crate relies on the `cc` crate, which is responsible for compiling C code. However, the `cc` crate doesn’t natively support the `x86_64-linux-android` target.


Now that we understand the problem, let’s get to the solution! To compile a Rust library with OpenSSL dependency for Android (x86_64-linux-android target), you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the necessary tools

First, make sure you have the necessary tools installed on your system:

  • rustup: the Rust toolchain installer
  • cargo: the Rust package manager
  • android-ndk: the Android NDK (Native Development Kit)
  • openssl: the OpenSSL library

You can install these tools using your package manager or by downloading the necessary binaries from the official websites.

Step 2: Configure the Rust toolchain

Next, we need to configure the Rust toolchain to use the `x86_64-linux-android` target:

rustup target add x86_64-linux-android
cargo build-std --target=x86_64-linux-android

This will install the necessary dependencies and configure the Rust toolchain to use the `x86_64-linux-android` target.

Step 3: Install the `cc` crate with Android NDK support

The `cc` crate is responsible for compiling C code, but it doesn’t natively support the `x86_64-linux-android` target. To fix this, we need to install the `cc` crate with Android NDK support:

cargo install cc --features=android

This will install the `cc` crate with Android NDK support, which will allow us to compile C code for the `x86_64-linux-android` target.

Step 4: Configure the `openssl` crate

Now, we need to configure the `openssl` crate to use the `x86_64-linux-android` target and the Android NDK:

OPENSSL_STATIC=yes cargo build --target=x86_64-linux-android

This will configure the `openssl` crate to use the `x86_64-linux-android` target and the Android NDK. The `OPENSSL_STATIC=yes` environment variable tells the `openssl` crate to use static linking, which is required for Android.

Step 5: Compile your Rust library

Finally, you can compile your Rust library with OpenSSL dependency for Android (x86_64-linux-android target) using the following command:

cargo build --target=x86_64-linux-android

This will compile your Rust library with OpenSSL dependency and generate a binary that can be used on Android devices with the `x86_64` architecture.


If you encounter any issues during the compilation process, here are some common troubleshooting steps:

  • Check that you have installed the necessary tools and dependencies correctly.
  • Verify that you have configured the Rust toolchain and the `cc` crate correctly.
  • Make sure that you have set the `OPENSSL_STATIC=yes` environment variable.
  • Try cleaning and rebuilding your project using `cargo clean` and `cargo build`.


Compiling a Rust library with OpenSSL dependency for Android (x86_64-linux-android target) can be a challenging task, but with the right steps, you can overcome the obstacles. By following this guide, you should be able to compile your Rust library successfully and use it on Android devices with the `x86_64` architecture.

Tool/Dependency Version Link
Rust 1.49.0
Cargo 1.49.0
Android NDK r21
OpenSSL 1.1.1h

Note: The versions listed in the table are the ones used in this article, but you may need to use different versions depending on your specific requirements.

I hope this guide has been helpful in resolving the error compiling Rust library with OpenSSL dependency for Android (x86_64-linux-android target). If you have any further questions or issues, feel free to ask in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers you need to overcome the hurdles of compiling Rust libraries with OpenSSL dependencies for Android (x86_64-linux-android target)

What are the common errors I might encounter while compiling Rust libraries with OpenSSL dependencies for Android (x86_64-linux-android target)?

You might encounter errors such as “error: linking with `cc` failed: exit status: 1” or “openssl/ssl.h not found” due to issues with the OpenSSL development package, incorrect target configuration, or incompatible dependencies.

How do I install the OpenSSL development package for compiling Rust libraries on Android (x86_64-linux-android target)?

You can install the OpenSSL development package using the command “apt-get install libssl-dev” on Linux-based systems or “brew install openssl” on macOS. This will ensure that the necessary headers and libraries are available for compilation.

Why do I need to specify the `openSSL` dependency in my `Cargo.toml` file for compiling Rust libraries on Android (x86_64-linux-android target)?

You need to specify the `openSSL` dependency in your `Cargo.toml` file to ensure that the OpenSSL library is linked correctly during compilation. This is crucial for Android targets, as the OpenSSL library is not included by default.

How do I configure the Rust compiler to target Android (x86_64-linux-android) for compiling libraries with OpenSSL dependencies?

You can configure the Rust compiler to target Android (x86_64-linux-android) by specifying the target triplet in your `~/.cargo/config` file or using the `–target` flag with the `cargo build` command. For example, you can add the following lines to your `~/.cargo/config` file: “[target.x86_64-linux-android] linker = ‘x86_64-linux-android-clang'”.

What are some additional flags I need to pass to the `cargo build` command for compiling Rust libraries with OpenSSL dependencies on Android (x86_64-linux-android target)?

You may need to pass additional flags such as `–cfg=openSSL` or `-C link-arg=-lssl` to the `cargo build` command to ensure that the OpenSSL library is linked correctly. You can also use the `–manifest-path` flag to specify the path to your `Cargo.toml` file.

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